A retail audit was conducted by Urban Marketing Collaborative in May 2015 of accessible retail spaces found on the ground floor, but included major retail that was identifiable and accessible on upper and basement level retail spaces along 125th Street. The boundaries of the audit are 12th Avenue to 2nd Avenue. It also included major retail sectors within two blocks north and south of 125th Street.
The audit identified the name of the business, type of business, estimated square footage, and location. Businesses are grouped under five major headings: Retail Merchandise, Convenience, Eating and Drinking, Services, and Other categories.
125th Street is divided into three main retail districts:
- Central district – between Morningside Avenue and Madison Avenue
- West district – between Morningside Avenue and Twelfth Avenue
- East district – between Madison Avenue and Second Avenue
These Districts approximate the community district boundaries for the City of New York (Community Districts 9, 10, and 11).