The Healthy & Clean Campaign – Harlem Neighborhood Clean Up

The 125th Street Business Improvement District, Manhattan Community Board 9, and 10, is calling all groups to participate in a Harlem neighborhood clean-up day. The Harlem Healthy and Clean Campaign Competition is designed to promote the cleanliness of Harlem. This is an opportunity for city agencies, community groups, and businesses to take initiative on this Harlem-wide issue of sanitation and serves as an opportunity to beautify Harlem.
Trash accumulation continues to be a problem, and this Harlem clean-up campaign promotes awareness and helps to increase street sanitation community service initiatives. While major efforts to keep Harlem streets clean started back in 1994, they’re not dying down anytime soon. Starting a Harlem clean-up campaign has both kept the streets clean and helped preserved the neighborhood as a whole.
To participate in the Harlem neighborhood clean-up day, submit an application below.
Click Here To Complete Application


City Councilmember
William Perkins
Manhattan Community
Board #10
Manhattan Community Board #9

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Brian Benjamin

Assemblymember Inez Dickens

Assemblymember Al Taylor

Comptroller Scott Stringer

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer

City Councilmember Mark Levine

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