COVID-19 Updates


[Last updated 3/29/2020]



The 125th Street BID will be providing the latest information from City, State, and Federal authorities regarding the COVID-19 Outbreak on this page. We will ensure that our commercial district of 125th Street receives up-to-date information on health precautions and resources from other business development organizations. Business Activity has basically come to a halt as we know it due to the impacts of Coronavirus.  Business owners that we speak to are facing operational and revenue generating challenges while at the same time being in compliance with the Essential Business Executive Order. This update provides resource information we have received that may be helpful.  

Response From Government and Philanthropy, Universities Loans, Grants, Procurement, & Moratoriums

New York City Department of Small Business Services 

Pre-application for Small Business Continuity Loan Fund Employee

NYC Employee Retention Grant Program   

New York City Economic Development Corporation 

COVID-19 Emergency Supply Sourcing & Manufacturing 

 New York Community Trust 

NYC COVID-19 Response and Impact Fund to support New York City – based social services and arts and cultural organizations  

 New York State 

Procurement Form  

 US Small Business Administration 

Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program 

 US Small Business Administration 

Disaster Loan Assistance 

 US Housing Urban Development 

Foreclosure Moratorium for Homeowners 


Coronavirus Tax Relief 

 Columbia University 

Retail Assistance 

Essential Businesses and Economic Impact of Coronavirus  
Response from Financial Essential Businesses in the BID Boundaries   

Customers continued to need essential banking services. The list below are financial institutions located within the BID boundaries and a summary of  policy adjustments and links for more information: 

Chase Bank
350 West 125th Street
55 West 125th Street   
Payments deferred, fees waived, credit lines increased 
Industrial Bank Harlem
382 West 125th Street 
Temporarily closed until further notice.  On-line banking services available.  
TD Bank
300 West 125th Street 
100 West 125th Street 
Details for customers by location 

Capital One Bank
301 West 125th Street

Fee suppression and minimum payment assistance 
Bank of America
215 West 125th Street  
Waives fees, defers payments on credit cards, mortgages and auto loans 
Popular Community Bank
231 West 125th Street  
Introducing Alternating Weekday Schedules 
Citi Bank
201 West 125th Street 

Temporary relief  for cardholders

Carver Bank
75 West 125th Street  
Use online banking; Carver accounts may be accessed 24/7 by using the online portal found or the Carver Mobile App.