Saunas have been popular for years, but on the major U.S. coasts, from New York City to Los Angeles, people are cranking up the heat inside these rooms.
According to a 20-year Finnish study, taking sauna baths on a consistent basis might actually contribute to a longer life.
A new infrared light sauna, HigherDOSE, opened in New York City, offering plenty of sauna baths to NYC residents. However, they’re at temperatures significantly higher than previous saunas.
“You reach the peak,” said Tippi Clark, a 24-year-old NYC nutritionist. “And it’s like, ‘Oh, my gosh, can I make it through the last 20 minutes?'”
Clark was describing her time inside HigherDOSE’s sauna, which offers a 60-minute heating session with temperatures steading around a crisp 157 degrees Fahrenheit.
The “DOSE” in HigherDOSE stands for Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins, and was created by Lauren Berlingeri, a 30-year-old health coach, and Katie Kaps, a 31-year-old former investment banker and employee of Tough Mudder.
“I was a crazy workout freak and had issues with my nervous system, my skin, sleeping at night,” said Kaps, “and someone suggested I try a infrared sauna. It was the best sweat I’ve ever had. I felt like I had just ran six miles.”
The Huffington Post reports that these intense sweating methods can greatly improve the look and feel of a person’s skin.
“When body temperature rises like when you exercise,” said blogger Mark Hyman, “skin blood flow transfers heat from the core of the body to the skin. Sweating helps move and excrete toxins from the body.”
Comedian Chelsea Handler backed the infrared sauna movement, stating that she has a sauna in her own bathroom.
“I use it on average three times a week,” said Handler. “It is more rejuvenating than anything else I’ve tried, and I have been sick once in the last four years.”
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